Welcome to Wineland

Indulge yourself between wineries and country life

With your own rental car, you are flexible, and you can discover Central Chile with its many different, but all-marvelous wineries independently. Well planned with the right partner, a rental car trip in Chile is safe and uncomplicated. Our wine route is intended for true wine lovers and leads as a round trip from / to Santiago de Chile through four large wine valleys. As a very nice “side effect“ you can experience Chilean country life in the rural areas on your way, as well as seeing the central Pacific Coast, both geographically quite close to the capital but miles away in terms of lifestyle. In addition, this region is historically very interesting.

First, a few tips:

Some rural roads are remote gravel roads where you might see only few other vehicles. There might be poor cell phone reception in some places, so in case of a breakdown you should be well prepared.

Please keep in mind that, on gravel roads you can only go about half as fast as on asphalt.

Do not drive after a wine tasting! In Chile, „Tolerancia 0“ is applied, that means, exactly 0 per mill alcohol is allowed. Please, agree on whose turn it is to drive, before going to a wine tasting or eating out.

It is advisable to book visits to wineries or other guided tours in advance. Most wineries also offer tours in English.

The accommodations in Central Chile range from simple hostels to extravagant luxury hotels and boutique hotels. There is something there for every budget and every need.

Sample itinerary for a Rental Car Trip to Chile's Wine Valleys

  • Day 1

  • Day 2

  • Day 3

  • Day 4

  • Day 5

  • Day 6

  • Day 7

  • Day 8

Santiago de Chile

Pick up your rental car at the airport in Santiago de Chile. Be sure to use a navigation device when driving into the city. Some roads change the direction at peak times. Best, park your rental vehicle at the hotel and explore Santiago de Chile on foot or via metro. There is a wide variety of options for guided tours of the city, such as classic city tours, bus tours, tipping tours, guided tours with a focus on history and human rights, or with a focus on street art and much more. There are also guided tours of Santiago’s markets focusing on gourmets, including cooking.

You see, there is something for every interest and budget. Ask at your hotel reception where to book your city tour. If you would like to see the city from above, for great views, you can choose between the observation deck “Sky Costanera” and the city hill Cerro San Cristobal. You can go up San Cristobal via funicular or teleférico.

If you arrive late, it is worth extending the stay by one or two days, to explore Santiago.

Overnight stay in Santiago de Chile. Distance covered: about 25-30 km on asphalt, depending on where you will be staying.